Garden Poetry

O LORD, how many are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all; the earth is full of Your possessions. Ps. 104:24

This is the first post I've done with personal photos. I went out this morning and took pictures of what caught my eye in the garden. Creation causes me to worship our creative God. Who can do what He has done?

Besides the flowers, and edibles in the yard, the animal kingdom was quite apparent today - bees buzzing, my little dog and cranky cat followed me about curiously. But what was of special interest, was the two baby mocking birds that were nestled in an old dead vine near the roof line. This morning they left the nest. One landed in a small walnut tree in the yard next door. While I was taking pictures I spotted the little guy (or gal). What a photo op! When you come to that picture look for the baby bird in the middle left of the photo.

Garden Poetry

The Meyer lemon, when it blooms, it's flower is so fragrant,
Alas now, what is this I see, a weedy mustard vagrant!

These tiny orchids now appear - it is their blooming season,
Mortimer loves planter box and you can guess the reason.
Peruvian pink lilies are admired by Froggy dear;
And speckled lettuce soon will make its salad greens premier.
Sophie, soaking up the rays, the grass her comfy rug,
But can you tell me why this plant is never food for slugs?
This tree is, oh, so peachy - its orbs we'll eat in June
Altissimo the climbing rose, escaped the autumn prune.

Happy luscious peony attracting honey bees;
Little daisies also, but their pollen makes me sneeze.
Jardins de Bagatelle is French and oh, it's fragrant
Mustard greens are Japanese and their taste is pungent.
Fledgling baby mocking bird is learning how to fly.
While baby Granny apples are reaching for the sky.
Mary Rose, so delicate, now growing on the pickets.
And my sweet Cecile Brunner, flowering in the thicket.
Wedding Gown, white Iris, is happy to be blooming
Unstoppable Franciska - the berry crop is booming
More peonies are popping - so pretty and so pink
Apple blossoms smell so good - t'will be apples in a wink.



  1. Good Morning Sharon,

    Like you, one of my favorite places to worship my Creator is in the midst of His creation!! I am in AWE of his handywork. There is never a time in the garden that I don't find something to marvel at. In Rms 1:20 it says His eternal power and divine attributes are seen in His creation. Indeed!!!
    Loved your photos!

  2. I have the samae froggie...mine talks when we walk by...does yours?


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