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Gardening by God's Design - Part One

  GOD’S DESIGN FOR GROWING  FOOD AS REVEALED IN SCRIPTURE 1. By His design, the Creator's first job for man was farming In the book of Genesis, newly created man and woman were given the mandate of cultivating the earth for the purpose of growing food for themselves. "Then the LORD God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. (Genesis 2:15) This was God’s design. Fast forward to today. That first responsibility given to man has never been rescinded. So anyone who desires to farm/garden is in line with God’s design and to them He has said a hearty, “AMEN”. For mankind to tend a garden in order to grow food, etc. is God’s design. 2. By His design, the Creator intended for man to derive pleasure, joy, find fulfillment and experience beauty and abundance through gardening God created the Garden of Eden. The word “ Eden” means “pleasure”. So caring for Eden was to be a pleasurable & fulfilling thing for the man & woman. Genesis 2:9 says,

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