Word-in-My-Heart-Wednesday - James 3:17

This week's verse was chosen for two reasons. The first is that we learned James 1:2-4 recently. The next verse (5) tells us to ask God for wisdom when we lack it. Paired together, James 1:2-5 and James 3:17 give us what we need in regard to wisdom - the promise that God will grant it to us when we ask and a precious picture of what it looks like in action. How wonderful!

One way God gives us wisdom is through His word. James 1:17 provides us with a great working definition of wisdom. It is first of all "pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere".

Wow! What a powerful piece of information. Wisdom is first of all pure. That means that I will not adulterate God's word in whatever context wisdom is needed. I will not water down God's word but receive it for what it intends and be obedient to it.

If I must speak to someone regarding an offense as Matthew 18 tells me to, I need wisdom. This verse tells me how wisdom behaves. So if I become unreasonable or harsh as I am relating to that person, I am not exercising wisdom for wisdom is gentle and open to reason.

The second reason I chose this verse was because I had an opportunity recently to use James 3:17 as a guide when I, indeed, had to speak with someone. The one I spoke with was at ease the whole time and never put on the defensive. The desired result was realized and peace was the outcome. Wonderful! And there is so much more packed in this verse about wisdom. Take some time to memorize it and as you do, continue to unpack the treasures of wisdom found there.

If you are not familiar with Word-in-My-Heart-Wednesday, please check it out by clicking here.


  1. Dear Sharon,
    It is so encouraging to be reminded of Scripture! I love how you applied James 1:17 with Matthew 18. It takes so much wisdom in dealing with our fellow Christians and following God's Word. This verse is so timely for me, as all the WIMHW's have been. I'm glad you're "back"!
    Praying For Wisdom,


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