Tidy Tip Tuesday - Vinegar for Shower Heads and Dishwashers

The wedding is just days away now. Yesterday the bridesmaids came over to help me assemble the programs and finish off a few other projects.

Everyday this week is filled with tying up loose ends, packing boxes with what is needed on the day of, getting hair and nails done up, finishing the last minute shopping for food for the wedding, etc. As I related last week, there is a team of workers (I call them "Chef Rosa and her Cuisine Dream Team") from the church that my husband and I attend who will cook and serve a sit-down-meal, but my daughter and I must do the shopping for it.

We are also picking up a "chuppah" for the wedding. A chuppah is a canopy that is used in Jewish weddings (my husband is Jewish though he is a Christian), and it symbolizes various aspects of the marriage, one of which is the wife's role of helper. I will write a post on that soon.

But the chuppah also represents the home of the new couple. It has a fabric covering and a frame, but characteristically it has no sides. This symbolizes that God will provide a roof over the newlywed's, and that they should respond to His provision by always having an open door to their loved ones.

But enough about the wedding. What you are here for is the tidy tip. So, keep reading:

To keep your shower head flowing freely, unscrew it and soak it overnight in full strength white vinegar to dissolve mineral deposits.

And another use for vinegar: Pour 1/4 cup vinegar into your dishwasher rinse cycle for streak free, sparkling dishes every time!


  1. Weddings...what fun and what work! (I have the privilege of helping my niece with her wedding at the end of the month!) All the preparations which lead to a grand event constantly remind me of all Christ is doing to gather His Bride to Himself and one day I will be part of the greatest wedding celebration ever!
    Hope you and Chef Rosa with the Cuisine Dream Team are having a blast! Can't wait to hear all about it. And thanks for all the great tips. What a wonderful resource you are and have always been for me! Love ya!


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