Rest, Relaxation, Wildflowers Galore (and a couple of Robert-isms)!

We went away last weekend (Memorial Day weekend), to a very secluded spot in Northern California. We stayed in a cabin on 120 acres. The couple who own the land run their own winery just down the road from where our cabin was located. But they were far enough away that we could not see their house or hear anything but the crickets chirping, katydids buzzing and birds singing.

One thing we could not hear were the chiggers in the grass. Robert had never heard of chiggers or katydids and thought at first that I was just making up those words. But, there just happened to be a dictionary in the cabin, so I looked up chiggers and katydids and he was so surprised to see them right there in print with a definition.

But true to form, he changed these words. Chiggers became "jiggers" and katydids became "lady-twits". I love it! Robert-isms - how fun! Robert speaks his own language and I am privy to it. Some people may not be able to understand his jargon, but most of the time there is a faint hint of the English language, so his meaning is usually distinguishable.

Here are more pics of the trip:

These looked like wild penstemons to me.

Can you see the wasp?

There was no fence for these cows. We stopped on the road to take the photo. There were quite a few more.

Another wildflower.

Cool looking fence with an alligator on the other side.
We stayed in a cabin on this property.

I was really hoping this bug would stay put while I was shooting the picture.
Some of my favorites.

Sophie went with us and had the most fun, I think.
Of course, Robert makes his own fun anywhere and everywhere!

More wildflowers.

And more.

And more.

Our little house in the big woods.

Sophie loving the grass and freedom (no leash) and open spaces.

Still more wildflowers.

This looked to me like a wild butterfly bush.

This picture was taken from our front window when we woke one morning.

That's me at the front door.

You guessed it...more flowers.

Now you know what I like.

Sophie running free. Yippee!

Pretty river...

...and meadow...
...and mountain...
...and horses...

...and wild rose.
Only a few of these types of photos left.

Wonder what the history is.

This wild butterfly bush is the last of the wildflowers. Whew!!!



  1. OMGosh Sharon, how wonderful! What a beautiful spot to be. You and hubby are very blessed! I thank God everyday for what he has given to us. Thank you for letting us share in your weekend.
    God Bless you!

  2. BEAUTIFUL, absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I can imagine the symphony of the crickets, the birds, the wind, the! I love the picture of the cabin in the distance with the sun's rays peeking through the corner...gorgeous!

    Thanks for sharing your getaway!

  3. I think you've found a little bit of heaven there Sharon! Wow, what a GREAT place to disconnect from the hustle and bustle and be in God's creation. I would love to sit on that porch in the mornings and have my quiet time!
    Thanks for sharing!



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