Tidy Tip Tuesday - Stain Removers for the Kitchen

Yesterday I let a pot of water go too long on the stove (thought it had been turned off - oh, this is bad to admit). To my amazement I discovered that you can burn the bottom of a pot by doing this. The results were almost impossible to scrub off so I put on my thinking cap. My conversation with myself (this too, is not so good to admit) went something like this: "Since vinegar can soften clothing and feet, perhaps it could loosen up the burn stain on my stainless steel pot."

So into the pan went hot water and perhaps 1/4 cup of white vinegar along with a drop of dish washing liquid. This I put on to boil (didn't forget about it either) for about 20 minutes.

It worked like a charm. The stain practically melted off with a little help. So here is yet another use for vinegar.

The other stain remover is for cups that have caffeine stains. We drink tea and it does discolor our cups. The best thing I've found that is non-toxic is homemade soft scrub (basic recipe is baking soda mixed with good laundry detergent). You can find the recipe for my soft scrub here.



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