Real Food Recipes - Blog Nog

Here's a good and simple recipe for eggnog. It does use raw eggs - the healthiest way to eat them. If you are hesitant to use raw eggs because of food borne illness, you should know that the only pathogens (illness-causing bacteria) that can be found with eggs is always on the shell of the egg (never inside).

If you clean the outside of the egg with an efficient pathogen-killing cleaner, then there is no way you can contract salmonella or any other food borne illness. I keep one spray bottle filled with full-strength hydrogen peroxide and another with full-strength white vinegar. To clean the outside of an egg, spray first with either the vinegar or peroxide and then spray again with the other solution. Wipe with a clean paper towel and use as directed in the recipe below:

Blog Nog
4 cups milk (cream-top or raw milk, not homogenized or ultra-pasteurized)
2 cups half and half
6 eggs
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 cup pure organic maple syrup or palm sugar
4 teaspoons stevia
dash salt
8 ice cubles

Directions: Place ingredients in a blender. Blend until completely combined. Serve with extra nutmeg sprinkled on top. Makes 6 twelve-ounce servings.


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