Some Potpourri for Valentine's Day

Happy Sweetheart's Day! 

In honor of the Romancer of my soul...
I have to say that if I am not in love with Jesus, the lover of my soul, first and foremost, I'll never really love my husband as I should. If I am not letting Christ satisfy me morning by morning with His UNFAILING LOVE, my heart will be discontented, shallow and constantly failing in love. 

I know that all too well - trying to love in my own strength, that is. Nothing good comes of it. Not that my husband is difficult to love, but my behavior can be so utterly lovely loveless when I walk by means of a fleshly heart. 

Just this morning I read again in John the challenge Jesus put before His disciples:
Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must love one another. By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
Wow! Jesus said this to his disciples. He was speaking to men who were unloving (Luke 18:15-16), competitive ( Mark 9:33-34), full of false humility (John 13:36-38), judgmental (John 9:1-3) and ready to call down fire on anyone who got in their way (Luke 9:53-55).

That gives me hope! If Jesus Christ, through the Spirit of God, produced His heart-changing love in these men so that this dark world was impacted from their time forward with the light of God's love for man, the rebel, I know He can do that for me as well. As I continue to surrender my entire being to the Lover of my soul and to honestly seek Him in His word, His grace abounds in my life, transforming my self-absorbed heart to love my husband as Jesus has loved me. 

That's what I want more than anything - just to love my husband as Christ has loved me. Since I am just like the disciples, I so need to stay centered on my First Love and He will empower me to love the precious man I've been gifted with in this life.

But onto the potpourri...
Check out the links below. The one about men vs. women is eye opening in regard to why men say the wrong things to their wives (really in all innocence), which is what Tim Hawkins addresses in the video at the bottom of the post. So funny!

Two Dogs, A Carpet and My Heart - I really like this article by Mark Altrogge over at The Blazing Center. It's short and sweet, to the point and convicting. His quote at the top of this page under Quips and Quotes says it all.

Men vs. Women - This is hilarious! Nothing to read, just one photo that so aptly defines the two sexes.

God Hears What We Cannot Say - This is actually a quote from O. Hallesby, one of my very favorite authors on prayer. It is both comforting and encouraging. Please take a moment (it's short) to read it, especially if you are discouraged about prayer.

Free Felted Oven Mitt Pattern - If you'd like to learn how to felt using a simple pattern, this would be a good place to begin. At the first link you'll find the instructions. And go here for the oven mitt pattern.

Give Me Jesus - This is a tribute in song to the late Ruth Graham (Billy Graham's wife) and so touching. It makes me desire all the more to lose my life for Christ and the gospel.

Some Great Scripture Graphics and Backgrounds - These are from a Titus 2 perspective and can be used on your own blog or for backgrounds on your computer (or you can print them out and use them for Scripture memory helps). The graphic at the top of the post is one from this link. And if you have or open an account with PhotoBucket (it's free), you can actually edit these images. Just click on the link above for the graphics and backgrounds and you will be in PhotoBucket where you can open an account or begin editing if you already have an account. Fun!!!

Husbands, don't love your wife like this...
This is a video by Tim Hawkins on How Husbands Can Live a Long and Happy Life - Thought I'd post this in honor of Valentine's Day. Most of our husbands could benefit from Tim's advice in this video since foot-in-mouth-disease seems to be a real man-thing. But remember ladies, we wives have our own tendencies. Right?



  1. Thank you for sharing these, Sharon. I really enjoyed Mark Altrogge's devotion--well, enjoyed it like we enjoy getting our toes stepped on so that we can do better! Was also happy to find Anne Graham Lotz's ministry online through the Give Me Jesus link.


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