Happy Feet

How are you feet? Are they soft and supple like baby's or calloused, dry and cracked like Jumbo's? For years I had trouble with my feet and after a while I feared that they really had begun to resemble that great pachyderm's lower appendages.

Then I discovered the most amazing foot soak. You might ask, "Is it expensive?" and my answer would be "no". You might ask, "Is it difficult to find?" and my answer would be "no". In fact, you probably have this item in your house right now.

This wonder foot soak ingredient is white vinegar. Soaking your feet in vinegar will leave them soft and supple and feeling so rejuvenated. Not only that, but vinegar kills foot fungus (yes, athlete's foot) and toenail fungus (this makes your toenails a discolored yellow and they become very thick and crumbly); it boosts potassium levels (in fact, a potassium deficiency is responsible for callous formations on the soles of the feet); and dissolves plantar warts. Here's how to prepare the soak:

1. Fill a large plastic dish pan (or equivalent) with very warm water. For each gallon of water, add one cup of white vinegar (find it at Costco really cheap).

2. Put this pan of water on a large garbage bag by the couch.

3. Gather a bath towel, a hand towel, pedicure tools (nail clippers, file, nail scissors, pumice stone, etc.) and have handy on the couch.

4. Put on a good chick-flick, ease your feet into the soak and just relax for 30 to 45 minutes. As your feet soften, use the towels to remove dead skin from heels and callused areas of feet. Use tools to trim toenails, etc.

5. Repeat #4 one more time as you watch the movie.

6. If you want to rid yourself of plantar warts, soak your feet on a daily basis. Rub your feet with the towel after they have become soft. After a week or two you will notice that the little black warts are loosening their grip and can be rubbed away completely with a towel.

Baby your feet like this and they will be happy and thank you for such pampering.


  1. Sharon,
    I love this week's "quote of the week for the weak." I will be saying it a lot this week. :-) Arlene


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