Tidy Tip Tuesday - Some Unusual Uses for Baking Soda

Here are some out-of-the-ordinary uses for baking soda that I found online. Send in your ideas too!

Facial Scrub: Mix together one part baking soda and two parts ground oatmeal for a soothing facial scrub. Then add enough water to make a paste. Gently rub the paste onto your face, avoiding the eye area. Leave the facial on for a few minutes. Lastly, remove it with plenty of cool water and a wash cloth. Your face will feel noticeably soft and smooth!

Hole Filler: To fill holes in your wall (if you have no spackling compound), simply mix together some white toothpaste and baking soda. Fill the holes in completely, then allow the mixture to dry. Touch up with appropriate paint.

Car Freshener: For a safer car-deodorizer - one that does not contain respiratory toxins, use baking soda. Simply fill the ashtrays with baking soda. The soda will absorb the odors and effectively freshen the interior.

Shoe Deodorizer: For a shoe deodorizer, fill a pair of old socks with baking soda. Tie a knot in the top of each sock. Then, place the socks in a pair of shoes or slippers that need freshening!

Litter Box Deodorizer: Remedy a strong ammonia smelling cat litter box by using baking soda. Start with a clean box and pour baking soda in it until it's a couple inches full. Then, add kitty litter as usual. The soda will help absorb the ammonia smell.

Soil Tester: Many types flowers, fruits, and vegetables prefer acidic soil to grow to their fullest. If you're not sure whether the soil in an area is acidic or not, then perform this test: mix up a quarter of a cup of baking soda with two cups of water. Then, stir in a cup of the soil. If the mixture foams up, then the soil is acidic.

CD Fix: To get rid of scratches on your CD's (this is NOT for use with any DVD's, only CD's) wet a paper towel and dip the wet end into baking soda. Use this to gently rub the CD over the scratch. It will polish the edges of the scratch, and your CD will play again.

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. What great tips, and so cheap too....I'm looking forward to trying the facial scrub for one, and the cd fix! Whoda thought?



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