Tidy Tip Tuesday - Gum and Wax Removal

To get gum out of a child's hair, work peanut butter into the gum until the gum becomes grainy and falls out as you work with it.

For wax removal from carpeting, clothing or other fabric, first scrape and lift out as much wax as possible. Next, cut open a paper bag and lay it over the wax residue. Now press over the bag with a warm iron. The bag will absorb the wax as it melts. Rotate to a clean place on the bag and continue to iron over the wax until you have removed as much as possible. If there is some remaining wax that will not come out, cover the stain with baking soda sprinkled over and it let set overnight. In the morning vacuum up the baking soda which will have absorbed the last of the wax.

Have a great day!


  1. Gosh, I wish I'd have had known about that when I was 6 Sharon! My sister Elisabeth had convinced me that one should always put their gum behind their ear when they were done chewing it. Of course I always put my hair behind my ears too and you can imagine the mess! At the time I think we used scissors. Big sisters . . . can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em!


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