Menu Plan Monday

Is it Monday already? For those who are either new to this blog or otherwise uniformed about Menu Plan Monday, this will be a regular feature on Mondays. I can't say it will be here every Monday. But as God is willing it will be.

To link to other Menu Plan Monday menus, click here. Also, if you want to share a recipe with me, I'd love to include it on the Monday menu sometime. Email me with your recipe.

Here's what on the menu for this week:

Monday: Pasta e Fagioli (Pasta & Bean Soup), Mixed Green Salad with Easy Poppy Seed Dressing, cantaloupe slices

Tuesday: Everything Green Chili Verde, Pinto Beans, Veggies with Blue Cheese Dipping Sauce, hot buttered corn tortillas

Wednesday: Salsa Meat Loaf, baked yams with butter, Sliced Tomatoes with Feta, buttered green beans

Thursday: Sloppy Joes, Classic Cole Slaw, Raw Sauerkruat

Friday: Curried Chicken Salad, fresh fruit salad

Saturday: Leftovers

Sunday: Ravioli with Alfredo Sauce, mixed green salad, buttered yellow squash
